... Winwin Concept(双赢原则) Traditional Concept(传统理念) How Can Both Sides Win(怎样实现双赢) ...
...装饰 建筑表现 建筑动画 建筑摄影 建筑旅游 关键词 教堂 传统观念 诠释 本土化 [gap=793]Key Words Church, Traditional concept, Annotation, Localization ...
In The Traditional Concept 在传统文化概念
changing traditional concept 转变传统观念
traditional concept of honesty 传统诚信观
traditional concept of security 传统安全观
traditional concept on marriage 传统婚姻观念
Although, we established environmental resource values in the 1960s ,it radically changed the traditional concept that environmental resource are got without any payment.
参考来源 - 环境资源价值的价格策略·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
With that glue now dissolving, the traditional concept of national identity is falling apart.
The traditional concept of practice cannot fully reflect its inherent implication of humanity.
SOA also represents a paradigm shift from the traditional concept and premise of application architectures.
SOA 还代表了从传统应用程序体系结构的概念和范畴进行的范式转换。